Diversity, Equity, Inclusion
UI Health Celebrates Diversity
Inclusion Calendar
Black History Month
Women's History Month
Asian American & Pacific Islander Heritage Month
LGBTQ+ Pride Month
Disability Pride & Awareness
National Hispanic Heritage Month
Native American Heritage Month
Jewish American Heritage Month
Arab American Heritage Month
Filipino American Heritage Month
Celebrate Arab American Heritage Month 2024 at UI Health
This April, we celebrate Arab American Heritage Month and renew our commitment to creating inclusive environments. We value and appreciate our colleagues' cultural backgrounds and experiences, and we recognize how they contribute to our organization's success.
Arab Americans have played a significant role in shaping healthcare, from medical research to patient care. Dr. Michael DeBakey, a Lebanese-American cardiovascular surgeon, developed the first successful heart transplant and is credited with coining the term “ventricular assist device.” Dr. Huda Zoghbi, a neuroscientist born to Lebanese parents, discovered the genetic basis for several neurological disorders, including Rett syndrome.
Despite these contributions, individuals from the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region need to be more represented in healthcare databases. At UI Health, we are committed to addressing this disparity.
As part of our commitment, we are hosting a panel discussion for staff and employees on the lack of MENA representation in healthcare. Esteemed researchers from UIC will share their insights and engage in a dialogue to raise awareness and seek solutions.
We invite our UI Health community to come together in celebrating Arab American Heritage Month. Our differences make us stronger, and our shared commitment to the well-being of our patients and community unites us. Let us champion inclusion, diversity, and unity as we provide innovative solutions to healthcare challenges.
For inquiries or more information, please contact the Office of Diversity and Community Health Equity at UIHDiversity@uic.edu.