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Ashley Katzenstein, MD
Family Medicine
get to know our provider
Dr. Ashley Katzenstein practices in the Department of Family and Community Medicine at UI Health. Dr. Katzenstein provides care to patients of all ages, from infants to older adults. She manages routine health care and chronic medical conditions, and she has special interests in prenatal care, reproductive health/family planning, addiction medicine, and care for patients experiencing homelessness.
Gender: Female
Preferred Pronouns: She/Her
specialties & services
- Family Medicine
- Street Medicine
- Prenatal Care
- Reproductive Health
- Substance Use Disorders
- Addiction Medicine
- Chronic Disease Management
- Care for People with HIV and PrEP
Family Medicine Center at University Village
722 W. Maxwell St.
Chicago, IL 60607
- Board Certification: American Board of Family Medicine
- Residency: University of Illinois – Chicago, Chicago, IL
- Medical School: Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, PA