Gerry Bedore, APRN, BC
Occupational Environmental Medicine
get to know our provider
Gerry Bedore is a nurse practitioner in the Department of Occupational & Environmental Health at UI Health. Mr. Bedore specializes in work injuries, occupational exposures, and DOT/CDL physicals. He is certified by the National Registry of Certified Medical Examiners (NRCME), and his goal is to provide comprehensive, compassionate, and patient-centered care to every patient.
Specialties & Services
- Occupational and Environmental Medicine
- Care of work injuries
- Care for occupational exposures
- NRCME certified examiner
- CDL physicals
Occupational Health & Workers' Compensation Clinic, Suite E144
835 S. Wolcott Ave.
Chicago, IL 60612
- Board Certification: Adult Nurse Practitioner (ANCC)