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Jalene Shoener, Internist, General Internal Medicine

Jalene Shoener, MD

Internal Medicine

get to know our provider

Dr. Jalene Shoener practices in the Department of Pediatrics at UI Health. Dr. Shoener provides primary care services for children and adults, and she has a special interest in supportive care for patients transitioning from pediatric to adult specialty care.

Language : English

WGN featured Dr. Shoener on tips for getting your child and family ready for a new school year.

specialties & services


Outpatient Care Center, Suite 2E

1801 W. Taylor St.
Chicago, IL 60612
312.996.7416 (Child & Youth Center)

Outpatient Care Center, Suite 3

1801 W. Taylor St.
Chicago, IL 60612
312.996.8337 (Primary Care Adults & Children)


  • Internship/Residency:University of Illinois at Chicago
  • Medical School:University of Illinois College of Medicine
  • Board Certification:Pediatrics
  • Board Certification:Internal Medicine