Khadijat A. Adeniyi, MSN, RN, FNP-BC
Supportive Care
get to know our provider
Khadijat Adeniyi is an advanced practice registered nurse in Supportive Care Services at UI health. Ms. Adeniyi's clinical background is in community-based palliative care, complex care management, and critical care. Her primary goal is to improve quality of life of every patient by addressing their physical and psychosocial needs, and she is passionate about alleviating stressors associated with serious illnesses. Ms. Adeniyi is dedicated to supporting every patient, not only with symptom management but also by helping them understand their treatment options and goals.
specialties & services
- Supportive Care
- Palliative Care Medicine
University of Illinois Hospital
1740 W. Taylor St.
Chicago, IL 60612
- Board Certification: American Nurses Credentialing Center