Samantha Chirunomula Quarless, MD
Infectious Diseases
get to know our provider
Dr. Samantha Chirunomula Quarless practices in the Division of Infectious Diseases at UI Health. Dr. Churunmula Quarless has a background in family medicine, internal medicine, addiction medicine, and infectious disease. Her clinical interests include primary care as well as treating patients with substance use disorders, HIV, Hepatitis C, and other infections in people who use drugs.
Gender: Female
Preferred Pronouns: She/Her
Specialties & Services
- HIV Care
- Infectious Disease
- Primary Care
- Addiction Medicine
- Hepatitis Care
Mile Square Health Center - Main
1220 S. Wood St., 2nd floor
Chicago, IL 60608
- Board Certification: American Board of Family Medicine
- Board Certification: American Board of Internal Medicine
- Board Certification: American Board of Preventative Medicine - Addiction Medicine
- Fellowship: University of Illinois at Chicago - Chicago, IL - Addiction Medicine, Infectious Disease
- Residency: Vanderbilt University Medical Center - Nashville, TN - Internal Medicine
- Residency: Ventura County Medical Center - Ventura, CA - Family Medicine
- Internship: Ventura County Medical Center - Ventura, CA
- Medical School: University of Connecticut School of Medicine - Farmington, CT