Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month

Friday, September 15, 2023

Did you know that National Hispanic Heritage Month starts on September 15?

This date holds particular significance as it is also the Independence Day for several Latin American countries such as El Salvador, Honduras, Costa Rica, Guatemala, and Nicaragua, all located in Central America. Mexico celebrates its Independence Day on September 16, and to the south, Chile commemorates its sovereignty on September 18. Additionally, Dia de la Raza, which is a decolonized alternative to Columbus Day, is celebrated by both Mexico and Chile on October 12.

As we celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month 2023, it is a time to reflect on the progress, power, and prosperity of the Hispanic community. This month-long celebration is an opportunity to honor the contributions of Hispanic Americans to our nation's history, culture, and economy. Hispanics have made significant strides in every field, from the arts and sciences to business and politics.

Hispanic Heritage Month 2023 celebrates the diversity and strength of the Hispanic community and recognizes the Latin community's significant contributions, both in the past and present. Their progress has undoubtedly contributed to America's progress, as evidenced by the fact that Latinos represent 51% of the population growth in the United States. 

As we strive to demonstrate our value of inclusion, it's important to acknowledge that work is still needed to provide equal access to resources and opportunities for all Hispanic community members. It's time to challenge the negative stereotypes that have historically kept them underrepresented and undervalued. Instead, let's appreciate the richness of Hispanic culture, creativity, and resourcefulness. Working together can build a stronger and more prosperous future for all Hispanics, our organization, and our nation.

UI Health strives to be an inclusive environment to work in and receive care. In addition to our language and interpretation services, UI Health is proud to support the Spanish Language Clinic as part of the Kidney Transplant Program, where patients can receive care in Spanish from culturally thoughtful care teams. The UIC College of Medicine is proud to produce the highest number of Latinx physicians in the United States. We hope in celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month, we can continue to celebrate our diverse communities and recognize the immense value they all have here at UI Health.