Rani Morrison named Thomas C. Dolan Executive Diversity Program Scholar
Thursday, May 6, 2021

Rani Morrison, FACHE
Care Continuum
Rani Morrison, senior director of Care Continuum at UI Health, recently was chosen as a 2021 scholar in the Thomas C. Dolan Executive Diversity Program by American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE).
Established in 2014, the ACHE Executive Diversity Program prepares new generations of top-level healthcare leaders who are more reflective of the diversity within healthcare organizations and the patients they serve.
Scholars — mid- and senior-level health professionals — benefit from a specialized curriculum that includes strategies for leveraging their career assets and navigating challenges in career advancement; one-on-one interaction with a specially selected mentor; and participation in formal leadership education and career assessments. Overall, the program helps support these scholars advance to higher healthcare leadership roles.
"Representation matters," said Morrison. "Healthcare organizations must be intentional about making sure diverse perspectives are at the table and represented when decisions are being made that impact our patients and communities. My hope is the tools I gain as a Dolan EDP scholar will allow me to have a seat. But my own intention is once I get there, my seat won't be the only diverse one."