Chicago Institute for Voice Care
The Chicago Institute for Voice Care is a leading voice center for all vocal treatment and therapy. We offer world-class diagnosis and treatment for our patients, who present us with all the variety offered by the third-largest city in the United States.
As part of the University of Illinois Hospital & Clinics, our mission includes community outreach, education on voice care, and the scientific exploration of all aspects of voice.
Unique to humans, the voice communicates, inspires, educates, and entertains. It is our mission to maximize each voice according to a patient's needs. Whether the individual is a professional voice user — teacher, clergy, trial attorney — or a vocal performer, all voices are welcome!
We have assembled a team of highly trained professionals who create a personalized plan to restore and maintain each voice. Dr. H. Steven Sims, a fellowship-trained laryngologist, makes an assessment and diagnosis according to the latest scientific research with state-of-the-art equipment. Dr. Sims has assembled a team that can offer an array of appropriate options, including medical, surgical, behavioral, and, if desired, holistic treatment.

Meet the Team
Dr. H. Steven Sims is the director of the Chicago Institute for Voice Care at the UIC Medical Center in Chicago.
Alexandra Schenck, MS, CCC-SLP, a licensed speech-language pathologist, joined the Chicago Institute for Voice Care at UI Health in 2023.
Patients Treated
From vocal fatigue to reflux disease, we specialize in medical disorders that impair the voice. We are skilled in treating paralyzed cords (vocal folds), chronic hoarseness, spasmodic dysphonia, and chronic throat irritation. All voices are welcome, and care and treatment is individualized specifically to your situation by experienced professionals.
Patients We See
- Actors
- Singers
- Radio hosts/personalities
- Clergy
- Telemarketers
- Politicians
- Teachers
- Lawyers
- Coaches
- Fitness instructors
- Receptionists
- Salespeople
- Parents
- Brokers

Contact & Location
For Appointments and Inquiries
Call: 312.996.6555
Referring physicians please fill this form.
Specialty Care Building, 6th Floor
1009 S. Wood St.
Chicago, IL 60612