Aiman Ghufran, MD
get to know our provider
Dr. Aiman Ghufran practices in the Hepatology Clinic at UI Health. Dr. Ghufran specializes in the care of patients with cirrhosis; hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC); non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD); viral hepatitis (hepatitis B and hepatitis C); autoimmune hepatitis; and inherited liver diseases. She also evaluates patients in need of liver transplantation and participates in the post-transplant care team. Dr. Ghufran has a special interest in preventing, identifying, and managing portal vein thrombosis patients with chronic liver disease, and she also has a clinical focus in caring for patients with pregnancy-associated liver disorders and managing chronic liver disease in pregnant patients.
Gender: Female
Preferred Pronouns: She/Her
specialties & services
- Hepatology
- Liver Transplant
- Transplant Hepatology
- Alcohol-associated Liver Disease
- Metabolic Dysfunction
- Portal Hypertension
- Hypercoagulability
- Portal System Thrombosis
- Post-liver Transplant Care
Outpatient Care Center, Suite 1B
1801 W. Taylor St.
Chicago, IL 60612
- Board Certification: American Board of Internal Medicine (Internal Medicine Gastroenterology, Transplant Hepatology)
- Fellowship: University of Wisconsin Hospital & Clinics — Madison, WI
- Residency: University of Wisconsin Hospital & Clinics — Madison, WI
- Internship: University of Wisconsin Hospital & Clinics — Madison, WI
- Medical School: The Aga Khan University Hospital Medical College — Karachi, Pakistan