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Keitha Davis, Nurse Practitioner, Urology

Keitha Davis, APRN


get to know our provider

Keitha Davis is a Nurse Practitioner in the Department of Urology at UI Health. Keitha treats a wide range of Urologic conditions including Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH), Lower Urinary tract symptoms, Urinary Tract infections (UTI), Erectile Dysfunction (ED), and Low Testosterone. She has a genuine love for people and is passionate about helping to improve their quality of life. She provides support and compassion during tough cancer diagnoses and always strives to provide quality evidence-based patient care.

Gender: Female
Preferred Pronouns: She/Her

Language : English

Specialties & Services

  • Urology
  • Erectile Dysfunction (ED)
  • Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms
  • Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH)
  • Urinary Tract Infections (UTI)


Specialty Care Building, 2nd Floor

1009 S. Wood St.
Chicago, IL 60612


  • Board Certification: American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC)