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David Tofovic, Cardiologist, Cardiology

David Tofovic, MD


get to know our provider

Dr. David Tofovic practices in the Division of Cardiology at UI Health. Dr. Tofovic sees patients with a wide range of heart, vascular, and lipid disorders. He further specializes in the effects of blood disorders, such as sickle cell disease, and genetics on the heart. A clinician-scientist by training, Dr. Tofovic is the principal investigator (PI) for the UIC Sickle Cell Disease Cardiovascular Database (S(CD)2) and the UIC Multi-Ethnic Dilated Cardiomyopathy (DCM) Registry; he is site-PI and co-PI for ongoing clinical trials. Dr. Tofovic is the associate program director for the Cardiovascular Disease Fellowship; the director of Education for the Center of CardioVascular Research (CCVR) at UIC; and an assistant professor of Clinical Medicine in the University of Illinois College of Medicine.

Language : Croatian, English, Macedonian, Serbian

specialties & services

  • Cardiology
  • Heart Failure
  • Echocardiography
  • Sickle Cell Disease
  • Genetic Cardiac Conditions
  • Resistant Hypertension
  • Lipid Disorders


Outpatient Care Center, Suite 3C

1801 W. Taylor St.
Chicago, IL 60612

55th & Pulaski Health Collaborative

5525 W. Pulaski Road
Chicago, IL 60629


  • Board Certifications: Internal Medicine, Cardiovascular Disease, Echocardiography, Nuclear Cardiology
  • Fellowship: University of Illinois Chicago
  • Residency: Case Western Reserve University/University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center — Cleveland, OH
  • Internship: Case Western Reserve University/University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center — Cleveland, OH
  • Postgraduate: University of Illinois Chicago
  • Medical School: Wayne State University School of Medicine — Detroit, MI