UI Health Recognized for Heart Attack Care
Tuesday, August 9, 2022

UI Health has been recognized with the American Heart Association (AHA) awards for quality and commitment to providing rapid, research-based care to people experiencing a heart attack.
The Cardiology Program at UI Health was awarded the Mission: Lifeline® NSTEMI Gold and Mission: Lifeline® STEMI Receiving Silver awards for meeting care criteria guidelines for ST-elevation myocardial infraction (STEMI), a serious type of heart attack, and non-ST-elevation myocardial infraction (NSTEMI), which involve blockage of the coronary arteries.
To qualify for Mission: Lifeline® NSTEMI Gold, hospitals must have achievement scores of 85% or greater regarding cardiac rehab referral from an inpatient setting; ACEI/ARB at discharge; left ventricular systolic function evaluations; and smoking cessation counseling. They also must have an achievement score of 65% or greater for dual antiplatelet therapy on discharge.
UI Health earned the Mission: Lifeline® STEMI Receiving Silver by meeting an achievement score of 75% or greater regarding arrival to PCI in less than 90 minutes; aspirin, beta blockers, and ACEI/ARB at discharge; in addition to cardiac rehab referral from inpatient settings.
Studies show patients can recover better when providers consistently follow treatment guidelines such those associated with the Mission: Lifeline program. UI Health’s dedication to providing optimal care for heart attack patients ultimately leads to fewer readmissions to the hospital, shorter recovery times, and, most importantly, more lives saved.