Illinois Medicaid & Redetermination

Medicaid members! Don't risk losing your health insurance. Please update your address with Illinois Medicaid. It's easy, fast, and free: Call 877.805.5312 from 7:45 am – 4:30 pm or visit If you use a TTY, call 877.204.1012.

Most people covered by Medicaid in the Chicago area must select (or be auto-enrolled into) a Medicaid managed care plan. Click here for a full list of UI Health accepted plans.

What Should I Do If I Am Already Enrolled in a Medicaid Plan, and I Received a Letter from the State Asking If I Want to Change My Plan?

The Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services (HFS) will send letters once a year, giving those insured by Medicaid the option to change plans. This is called your annual open enrollment period.

If you are enrolled in a plan that is meeting your needs, you do not have to do anything. You will remain in that Medicaid plan for another year.

If you want to change plans, you should call the State's Client Enrollment Services at 877.912.8880 or visit their enrollment website.

What Should I Do If I Want to Sign Up for Medicaid for the First Time?

You may apply online for Illinois Medicaid benefits. You may also apply by completing an application form or by visiting your local Family Community Resource Center. To find a center near you, use the DHS Office Locator.

Who Can I Speak with If I Have Questions?

If you have any questions and/or are ready to choose a plan, you can call Illinois HFS Client Enrollment Services at 877.912.8880.

What Is Redetermination?

Redetermination is a review of a recipient’s eligibility for. Redetermination requires you to return a renew annually online or by returning the renewal form to see if you still qualify for a medicaid card.

You will receive an initial letter from the State telling you that your redetermination form is on the way. Then, about two weeks later, you will receive the actual redetermination form in the mail. Please pay close attention to the due date, and make sure you return it on time.

If you don't return the renewal form by the due date, your Medicaid coverage will be canceled.

What to Do if Your Medicaid Coverage Has Been Canceled

If your Medicaid coverage has been canceled, it is possible that:

  1. You did not receive a form in the mail to renew coverage for Medicaid.
  2. You received the redetermination (renewal) form, but you:
    • Did not return the form.
    • Did not return the required documents – such as proof of income or proof of Illinois residency.
  3. You sent the redetermination (renewal) form back but were not approved to renew your Medicaid coverage.

Depending on what caused your coverage to be canceled, there may be ways to restore it or find alternative forms of health insurance. To learn what you should do next, find the scenario below that matches your situation.

  1. If you did not return the redetermination (renewal) form or did not renew online, and:
    • You still have the form: Call Illinois Medicaid at 800.843.6154 and ask for more time to return the form.
    • You do not have the form or did not renew online: Call Illinois Medicaid at 800.843.6154 ;and ask for a new form.
    • You missed the deadline to submit the form: You may have to re-apply for coverage. You may also need to re-apply for yourself or other family members. To re-apply, visit or contact your HFS caseworker.
  2. If you sent the redetermination (renewal) form back or renewed online but were not approved to have a medical card:
    • Contact your HFS caseworker and ask why your coverage was not renewed.
    • If you disagree with the decision to cancel your coverage, you may request an appeal by calling 8008436154 or 866.324.5553 TTY.
  3. If your coverage was canceled due to a change in your income:
    • Visit or call 866.311.1119 to find out what other health insurance options you may have. Health navigators are available to help answer questions and help you apply for other low-cost insurance options.