Breast Pumping & Feeding Rooms

We maintain a breast pumping room in room 4120 in the main hospital with 2 private pumping stations, 2 hospital grade electric pumps, a sink, sanitizing wipes, and hand gel. You will need to provide your own Ameda HygieniKit in order to use the breast pumps provided. We do not provide kits to employees or guests.

There is another pumping room in room 2480 at the Outpatient Care Center (OCC) end of the bridge, just beyond the security guard's desk. It is locked and the personnel at the desk will open it upon request. It is only accessible when the desk personnel are present. There is a sink in this pumping room.

Other breast pumping rooms at UI Health:

  • Specialty Care Building, Room 1008. 1st floor front-desk personnel will open the room upon request. 
  • College of Nursing: B29 NURS (845 S. Damen). Go to 102 NURS to obtain key. Call 312.996.1749 with questions.
  • School of Public Health: 138 SPHPI (1601 W. Taylor). Room Open. Call 312.413.2012 with questions.
  • Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research: 3rd floor, AOB (1737 W. Polk Street). Go to Suite 310 to obtain key. Call 312.996.9445 with questions.

If you are in need of a kit or kit pieces, the Wood Street Outpatient Pharmacy sells Ameda kits for $50. UI Health staff are not allowed to give pump kits from patient stock sources.

There is a tub of Ameda spare kit parts on 4W, and you might find what you require in that tub. The charge nurse or Lactation Services staff can help you with that.